Meta-Research Day
The Meta-Research Center at Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences is excited to announce the Tilburg Meta-Research Day on Friday November 22, 2019!
The goal of this day is to bring together those who are interested in studying or discussing the current state of academic research. To that end, we would like to welcome meta-researchers, researchers from other fields, but also people who are not primarily engaged in research like journal editors, science journalists, and scientific policymakers.
The day will consist of plenary talks by Sarah de Rijcke, Ana Marušić, and John Ioannidis, and we will host parallel sessions where people can come together to discuss, plan, or work on a specific meta-research project.
If you would like to lead one of these sessions, please send us an e-mail ( with a short description of the research topic you would like to discuss.
If you would like to register for the Tilburg Meta-Research Day, please do so before October 31st on the website.
For more information: